Welcome to the Finger Lakes Barn Quilt Trail

A new chapter in the life of the trail

Finger Lakes Barn Quilt Trail was founded in 2018 to promote heritage tourism throughout the Finger Lakes region. The group promoted the trail with workshops teaching the art of quiltmaking and reached out to owners of barns and other historic, distinctive buildings in our region to install new barn quilts. More than 50 barn quilts are now on the trail, which is concentrated in the towns of Bloomfield, Bristol, South Bristol, and Naples.

In the fall of 2022, the Trail’s founders asked the Bristol Hills Historical Society to serve as the host organization for the project. At this time, we are unable to offer any workshops or provide assistance in creating your barn quilt. We have provided a guide on how to make a barn quilt block. Stay tuned for updates, as we hope to resume growing the list and conducting events in our region to promote this combination of art, historical preservation, and tourism.

The Trail is a self-guided tour for those looking to explore the most colorful squares in the Finger Lakes. The website features a map showing the locations of most of the barn quilts. This site has not been updated to include the latest installations, and we do not know if all of the blocks are still there. But the map may serve as a helpful starting point for visitors. A link to the Trail Directory dated June 2021 is provided below. Please note that this directory may not represent actual barn quilt blocks currently mounted.

We also host a Facebook group dedicated to the Trail, with extensive photographs and discussions. Please email bristolhillshistory@gmail.com with questions and suggestions.

Finger Lakes Barn Quilt Trail — June 2021 update

Finger Lakes Barn Quilt Trail website and map

Finger Lakes Barn Quilt Trail Facebook group

How to Make a Barn Quilt Block